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Account Types
Self-helper is an individual filling out forms without help from a lawyer.
Advocate is a professional that helps people with legal needs.
Court Employee is someone who works for a court and who helps people fill out forms.
Connect Coordinator is for organizations using LHI Connect. A Connect Coordinator creates, edits, deletes and assigns Pro Bono Coordinators to their organization's Connect Points.
Pro Bono Coordinator is for organizations using LHI Connect. A Pro Bono Coordinator works with answer files and can assign them to advocates within the Connect Point.
Developer is a professional authorized to post forms for others to use. A developer must be a staff member or volunteer at a legal aid organization, pro bono program, legal nonprofit, or approved court.
Password Rules
Your LHI password must:
be at least 8 characters
contain one UPPER CASE letter
contain one lower case letter
contain one number
contain one special character (for example @,#,$,%, etc.)