Welcome, Professionals
Use LHI to create or review legal documents and forms. LHI hosts interviews designed for professionals and people representing themselves. LawHelp Interactive is a project of Pro Bono Net, a nonprofit that increases access to justice through technology.

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LHI helps professionals...
Find free forms for clients in their states.

Click Find Forms. Then click on your state to find out what kinds of forms are available in your state.

Collaborate easily with clients.

LHI allows clients to fill out forms at their own pace, and they can reach out to an advocate when needed.

Customize legal documents.

Some legal matters, like divorce or foreclosure, have many steps. You can customize LHI and create individual accounts for each client so they can "see" each step they have taken.

Offer "Next Steps" support to clients.

Many forms come with instructions that tell clients what to do with their completed forms. They may print automatically with the forms to help you walk the client through the next steps.

Plan Clinics with LHI Connects.

LHI Connects gives you easy access to interviews and lets you review and assign cases to your lawyers. Each lawyer can then help the client complete and file forms, or provide other needed service.

Sign up now to register for an account.

Or visit Find Forms to look for a form or document you need for your state.

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