LawHelp Interactive is a website that helps you fill out legal documents for free.

You are about to begin: Divorce with or without children in Michigan - JUDGMENT ONLY

For use in: Michigan

Description: Self-help interview to obtain a Judgment of Divorce and other documents needed to finish a divorce in Michigan.

Last Updated: 1/1/2025

Created By: Michigan Poverty Law Program

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This site does not give legal advice. Talk to a lawyer if you need legal advice. You must not use this site for any commercial purpose. This site is for people who meet any of the following criteria:

  • Low-income people or people without lawyers who access this site from a statewide legal aid web site, pro bono web site, or approved court web site
  • Nonprofit and charitable organization staff or approved court staff who help other permitted users
  • Lawyers and their staff who provide not-for-profit or reduced fee legal help to low-income people or nonprofit and charitable organizations

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